About Me.
I am a people-person with deep emotions and empathy, an adventurer, natural storyteller and performer.
I use my coaching powers to inspire and share creative expression with others.
As an adventurer, I have learned one of the most elusive and powerful secrets of creativity:
to give freely of your talent for the benefit of others.
Coaching is the medium to keep inspiration in circulation.
As a passionate, expressive, multi-talented, creative spirit, ideas are merely a part of an initiative. An almost compulsive need to act on ideas is fueled by an abundance of energy and the pursuit of many interests, hobbies, areas of study, and artistic endeavors.
As a result, I have learned fast how to acquire skills and juggle different projects and roles with relative ease.
A true Renaissance person and evolving Polymath; I am here to help serve your just cause.
Without change, there would be no butterflies.
Please Direct Message me via LinkedIn or email angus@blackdragonenterprises.com.
The very act of talking is therapy.
The very act of listening is coaching.