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Coaching Insights


Players in the game of Life.

Subject Matter Experts.





Magic...that is Angus! His natural intuitive ability of navigating the murky waters around self and group is remarkable. Angus gets cause and effect - he thinks holistically and then makes his conclusions and teaching points relevant as well as practical. Angus cares. His work creates a swell of behaviors change in individuals and organizations.

Mary (Executive Coach)

Over his tenure at Rugby Colorado, Angus worked with passionate constituencies to develop our organization and sport to a higher level of accountability and organizational performance.

Angus' broad experience coaching brought to bear across the community, personally, aligned those efforts.

Angus worked closely and comfortably with individuals, teams and every aspect of the complex rugby community. A short 5 years later, Rugby Colorado stands as a model for a sustainable State Rugby Organization, steadily on our own pathway to performance and professionalism for our youth, families and sport.
Personally, as a board member, Angus has been a both a rock for reliable, transparent and accountable operations, and a catalyst for improvement and change. I've found Angus builds momentum to tackle the next challenge with empathy, purpose and an open mind. Angus always represented Rugby Colorado with the spirit and character we hope to impart to our players - engaging across our community and staff in that mission with each personal interaction, delivering on commitments, managing challenges and leading through changes, seeking timely perspective or expertise to move the organization forward.
I write this to encourage those with the opportunity to work with Angus, to do so - you will not find a better teammate on your journey.
Cheers, Truman Esmond - Board Vice President, Rugby Colorado

Truman (Vice President).

Finding a mentor and coach that tells you what you want to hear is easy.
Finding one that listens with a careful ear is like finding a gem in the sand.
Coach Angus is a true coach for all things Rugby to Life and has been instrumental in guiding my life after the military.
Coach Angus’ abilities far surpass some of the “best” I’ve interacted with.

Zach (Army and Beyond)

It doesn’t matter if he is coaching, directing or advising, this is a man with professionalism and expertise with the ability to engage athletes and listeners alike.

Amanda (Growth Manager)

Angus is capable of seeing deep into a person's potential and extracting abilities they never knew existed.

Jason (Software Engineer)

Personally, I have never known a coach so invested and show interest without considering the reward on the back end. It’s often not the most invested person who receives the reward at the end of the day and personally I believe it should be.

Eric (Navy and Beyond)

During my tenure with Coach Peacock, I grew as a player, a coach, and a man. Coach Peacock’s character and ability to communicate with a wide variety of individuals from a multitude of backgrounds was a challenge and an opportunity he poured himself into.
Coach Peacock demanded the best his players were capable of and never gave them unachievable goals or expectations.

The lessons he taught me in this regard have carried on with me to this day.
His business experience and acumen made him a valuable asset to his team and community.
The last thing I will say about Coach Peacock is that he has a creative mind and is able to problem solve in high stress situations. 
He led by example, owned everything good and bad, and was an absolute joy to play and coach for. Any organization would be blessed to have Coach Peacock as a part of their team.
I smiled the whole time I wrote this as I was flooded with all sorts of unforgettable memories thanks to Angus Peacock.

Ryan (Consultant)

I think I can speak for everyone by saying your attention to detail is some of the most impressive that I’ve ever experienced from a coach at any level I’ve played at. I would very much like to have you stay on for 15s and the future to help build this program back up.

Ari (National Rugby)

I’ve worked with Angus in multiple facets & am lucky for having that chance. I was able to excel under Angus and, I stayed with Angus because I was getting the best coaching of my life. This man's coaching has spilt over into my professional life as now I am starting a new position full time and reminisce in order to guide me to success.

Cliff (Young & Inspired)

Coach, I want to thank you for all the advice and being a great coach. Some of the best coaching I've received in my entire rugby career. We don't get a lot of that at GCU.

Alan (College Rugby)

Angus is among the best speakers I have ever met, which coupled with his ability to break things down into goal-oriented objectives, drives people to achieve and really punch above their weight class.

Mikhail (Systems Engineer)

Angus is a dynamic leader who knows how to get the best out of the situation he is put in. Angus routinely led teams to perform above their ability levels and surprise ourselves. His ability to pivot and coach to the team and situation is great.

James (Software Specialist)

He's a great leader, but an even better person. 
Angus has the ability to get the most out of his players, no matter what their background, to compete against anyone. Because of this mindset he created, our teams had a lot of success throughout the years. Most importantly, Angus made it an enjoyable experience as well, which is really the most memorable part.

Paul (Operations Specialist)

Angus is one of the best coaches I have had. I have seen firsthand Angus’s executive leadership, knowledge and dedication in driving rugby clubs or organizations forward. He elevated my game to the highest level I ever played. He continues to be a driving force behind change and growth in Youth Rugby and the effect it has on the community here in Colorado.

Oliver (Dish Business Manager)

Angus's personal technique is a methodology extolling a virtue of "it can be done and let me prove it" as opposed to "it can be done because I'm telling you to do it." The greatest improvement that I have seen is in my mental endurance. I can plan more accurately further in advance, keep dates and function details in my head longer and maintain a required on-show attitude without effort even toward the end of long shift.

Angus helped me define & enable lessons to apply to my own work.
Angus developed strategies for who people were, rather than who he wished we were. As a team we would solve problems because Angus would set goals, show the path to get there & prepared us for different situations. Errors were a learning experience with a bit of fun & not the end of the road.

Gordon (Attorney)

A great coach, with great knowledge and a great person.

Mark (Commercial & Marketing Strategist)

Angus always knew how to communicate what I needed to change, how to react to situations, and what I needed to work on effectively

Dustin (Investment Advisor)

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