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Conquering Leadership & James "the Padre."

Updated: Jul 31, 2022

Conquering #Leadership & James Hoxworth (The Padre)

Why do we need the Church and spirituality?

Why go to Church?

Why is the man knocking at the door of the brothel, actually searching for God?

Well, meet James "the Padre," orator, philosopher and master of #divinity, and learn the answers to these questions and more. (This show was recorded on November 11 - Armistice Day.)

"Theologians and historians speak about Christendom ... " today in America we see a "de-churching movement" and broadly speaking many churches are ageing & dying with their congregations.

Pain is God's megaphone to rouse a deaf world; COVID has revealed a massive cultural fear of death & an idolatry of wealth and health as guarantees by society; it has pulled back the curtain on how freakishly afraid our culture is of losing control and blown our senses of security to bits.

In this context, arguably, the Church and spiritual leadership are as important today than ever before.

Whether or not you believe yourself to be a follower of religions, take time to listen to James. He is a most compelling speaker and in part one of this show, I promise you will discover something about spirituality in your own life.

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