Healthier and happier employees have a postive impact on our bottom line.
At 19 years old, when many are celebrating high school, Evan's best friend died in his arms in Iraq. Today Evan, a decorated war hero, #worldrecordholder & family guy, works in the world of people development.
On this day of #rememberance, we take another step understanding #mentalhealth issues. "Sometimes getting out of bed, taking a shower and showing up, is the big win."
This episode is not egregious, it is an effort to elucidate and educate on some of the challenges our people face today.
What can you do to help?
What is a "neural scar" and how can you repair it?
How do we identify who is struggling today?
#intentionallearning #normalcy #rugby #wellbeing #stress #wellness #coaching #generation #depression #development #respect