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  • Writer's picturethe black dragon

Leadership & mental health.

Updated: Aug 3, 2022

I was floored by an observation that we "manage it, but don't address it."

Not surprising. Tough, broad in scope & fluid, the subject is prickly & we may not have answers. Often, we can barely carry our own load. So, here we go ...

Since 2004, at regular intervals, cries for help have landed at my door. From combat hardened veterans, competition hardened athletes & life hardened business professionals they were mainly high functioning, caring people, preoccupied with responsibilities.

All had common courage & equal concern at (the high risk of) opening up. They could maybe hope to gain a friend, a beer, some sympathy or empathy.

Medical support or company care was not an option.

Helping, with a few simple ethos, became a humanitarian leader choice, comprising - listen & hear - no judgement - be cordial - prepare for shock - embrace the challenge.

Mine are not medical opinions. To be honest, some stories I would like to forget; that said, all have impacted learning, steered choices, and offered life lessons.

Covid is a "trigger kicker," & mental health issues are magnified; we can help by breaking down stigmas, enabling positive environments and encouraging intentional learning on all sides.

Kindness is kinetic.

Pay it forward.

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